Emily Button Kambic

Position Description
The Cultural Resources Public Outreach Coordinator will serve in the Office of Resource Stewardship and Science, Division of Cultural Resources (CR Division) of the National Park Service (NPS). The CR division has primary responsibility for planning and management related to the preservation of cultural resources within the National Capital Region’s 35 congressionally designated park units, as well as for providing technical and professional expertise and other consultation to parks, outside partners, and programs related to preservation of the region’s historic resources. The CR Division is made up of an interdisciplinary team of cultural resource specialists organized into seven program areas: anthropology, archeology, historic architecture, history, landscape architecture, museum and archives, and National Historic Landmark programs. The office provides leadership, support, and advocacy for the stewardship, protection, interpretation, and management of the nation’s heritage through scholarly research, science, and effective management.
The Cultural Resources Public Outreach Coordinator will focus primarily on three projects: 1) devising strategies to disseminate information and transfer knowledge generated by the Cultural Resources (CR) Division to the public and to oversee implementation of these strategies; 2) assisting the Chief Historian of the National Capital Region in creating both opportunities and policies in working collaboratively with universities and colleges in the Washington, DC region on how history is both generated and presented in the parks of the National Capital Region; and 3) collaborating with the National Capital Region’s Chief Historian and the Chief of Interpretation to identify ways to increase collaboration between not only historians and interpreters in the NPS, but also among all cultural resource specialists and those who present or prepare material for the public.
The Cultural Resources Public Outreach Coordinator will focus primarily on three projects: 1) devising strategies to disseminate information and transfer knowledge generated by the Cultural Resources (CR) Division to the public and to oversee implementation of these strategies; 2) assisting the Chief Historian of the National Capital Region in creating both opportunities and policies in working collaboratively with universities and colleges in the Washington, DC region on how history is both generated and presented in the parks of the National Capital Region; and 3) collaborating with the National Capital Region’s Chief Historian and the Chief of Interpretation to identify ways to increase collaboration between not only historians and interpreters in the NPS, but also among all cultural resource specialists and those who present or prepare material for the public.