2008, 2017
Thomas Shawn Mullaney
- Associate Professor
- Stanford University

This first-of-its-kind global conference on Chinese and Non-Western Digital Humanities will advance a new era in DH, bringing together leading and emerging DH scholars – not only of China – but also of East, South, Southeast, and Inner-Central Asia working in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, and Informatics. Four (4) areas of research are central, representing both the core of DH as a whole, as well as areas in which Chinese and Asian Studies scholars have been underserved and under-resourced: (1) Text Mining and Computational Analysis of Asian & Non-Latin Scripts; (2) the Spatial Analysis of Asian Human Geographies, (3) Network Analysis of Non-Western social formations, and (4) the development of Asian Studies Digital Humanities tools and platforms.