ACLS is pleased to share a select list of books published in the first half of 2024 by ACLS fellows and grantees, many of which developed from ACLS-supported research. These publications represent just a sample of the distinguished works authored by past and current awardees. They reflect a wide array of topics, from the multidimensional relationship between Indigenous communities in Alaska and the US military during the Pacific War to a collaborative project on excavated documents that reveal the history of third-century South China.

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ACLS is committed to funding research in the humanities and interpretive social sciences. We support scholars at every career stage, from dissertation development to creating opportunities for tenured scholars for new research projects.

2024-25 ACLS Fellowship and Grant Competitions
Learn More About ACLS Scholars in Action
Nichole Nelson F’20

Nichole Nelson, 2020 Mellon/ACLS Public Fellow, explains how her PhD in history and fellowship experience helped her build a career in housing justice.

Frederick M. Ranallo-Higgins F’22

Frederick M. Ranallo-Higgins F’22 shares his experience working as a Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Buddhism Public Scholar and Associate Editor at Tricycle: The Buddhist Review.

Jue Liang F’23, F’19, G’16

Jue Liang F’23, F’19, G’16 researches gender and Tibet Buddhism as a fellow of the Luce/ACLS Program in China Studies and The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies.

Kay Sohini F’21

Kay Sohini, 2021 Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellow, discusses the process of creating her graphic dissertation and the importance of nontraditional approaches to scholarship.