• Yale University appointed Jessica Brantley F’13 the Frederick W. Hilles Professor of English. She is a scholar of medieval reading cultures as they are reflected in manuscripts.
  • Bonnie Dow, member of the ACLS Research University Consortium, has been named vice dean of the Vanderbilt University College of Arts and Science, effective July 1, 2023.
  • Kristina Hook G’22 recently spoke to WIRED about the short and long-term environmental effects of the Kakhovka Dam destruction. Hook participated in the inaugural Summer Institute for the Study of East Central and Southeastern Europe hosted by ACLS in June 2023.
  • Marwan M. Kraidy F’14, ACLS Board Member, has been elected the 2023-24 Chair of the Fellows at the International Communication Association (ICA), one of the most prestigious international associations for communication scholars and researchers. Kraidy is dean and CEO of Northwestern University in Qatar.
  • Sociologist and queer studies scholar Zethu Matebeni F’17 answered five questions in The Conversation about “Being queer in Africa: the state of LGBTIQ+ rights across the continent.”

Professor Michelle Warren’s groundbreaking book telescopes past and present in the engaging study of one medieval manuscript’s new lease of life online.

Susan Pickford
Judge, Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing Book Prize

  • Watch the recording of Bobby J. Smith II F’21 delivering a keynote on the rich history of Juneteenth at Grand Valley State University.
  • Michelle R. Warren F’18 was awarded the 2023 Book History Book Prize from the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing for her book Holy Digital Grail: A Medieval Book on the Internet.
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