ACLS On the Road
In addition to the Annual Meeting, ACLS is hosting and participating in a number of convenings across the globe in 2022. Learn more about the latest travel and activities of ACLS staff below.
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship Seminar in Minneapolis

Several members of the US Programs Team attended the Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship Seminar August 22-25, 2022 in Minneapolis, MN. The event brought together 40 fellows with eight faculty facilitators and guests to help the scholars prepare for postdoctoral job applications. This included intensive workshops on written job materials, mock interviews, and sample job talks, as well as panel discussions.
The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies Early Career Retreat in Princeton

In connection with the The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies, the Buddhist Studies Early Career Retreat brought together ACLS staff, past fellows, grantees, and advisors in Princeton, NJ from August 7-11, 2022. The retreat consisted of a Dissertation Seminar and Manuscript Development Workshop, offering opportunities for early-career scholars to share and receive feedback on their work.
Getty/ACLS Fellowship Residency in Los Angeles
From July 18-20, 2022, ACLS Senior Director of US Programs John Paul Christy and Program Officer for US Programs Alison Chang joined the 2021 cohort of Getty/ACLS Postdoctoral Fellows in the History of Art for a residency at the Getty Center in Los Angeles. This included presentations, discussions, and research appointments for select fellows at the Getty Research Institute Library.

Intention Foundry in Chicago and New York
The Intention Foundry (IF) continues ongoing efforts at ACLS to expand its reach beyond fellowships, by developing new programs that will strengthen humanistic studies for the 21st century. In June 2022, ACLS welcomed participants for in-person sessions in Chicago and New York City to collaborate in accelerating equity, inclusion, and structural change in the academy.

Summer Institute in China Studies in New York
From June 24 to 26, 2022, ACLS hosted its first Summer Institute in China Studies in New York, with the support of the Henry Luce Foundation. More than 40 Luce/ACLS Fellows in China Studies, scholars, experts, and practitioners convened for the event. They offered recommendations on areas of scholarship most in need of support, and identified how ACLS might help bridge the gap between academic research, teaching, and public knowledge about China. Read more about the event and reflections from participants.